Learn, Create, Share
Using google slides to create an animation was something that I had seen before several years ago, but had completely forgotten about. I was absolutely blown away by the level of creativity from Martin at Grey Main School and his place value animation, not to mention Tanner's Indo Rex animation!
These examples of creating got me thinking about what I could get my own learners to create - particularly at a time where schools may need to close due to COVID-19. I created the animation below as an example of what learners in my class could create at home as a follow up to our trip to Taumanu Reserve to clean up our coast. I'd like to see what my learners can create to demonstrate their learning from the experience and then use it inform others in our community.
I also picked up some great tips for how to enhance my slides presentations - I'm running a parent workshop next week and am starting to plan out how I can "tell a story". I'm also super keen to get in there and tweak some of the great themes from slides carnival! This will save me heaps of time and also provide me with templates that work for me and that I can use for teaching my learners.
Another idea that I'd like to explore with my students is creating some digital artwork using google drawings - I think creating self portraits are a great example of creativity and resilience whilst exploring line, colour and shape.
With possible school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, google slides and drawings are great tool for learners to create at home and share some of their learning.
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